
Guest Post Revision

To make things easier, I decided to change the guest posting just a bit.

If your entry hasn't been published, you don't have to resend anything -- your submission will always be valid! You can still enter a different post at any time, but it will replace the older submission from the same blog.

That's the only thing that's changed but if you have any suggestions be sure to let me know!


Stephanie Scarpa said...

Hey, thanks again for the invitation, I've just been busy. I'll try to write something and send it to you!

Sam said...

Thanks for inviting me to guest post! I'd love to, I'll notify you soon! I'm really excited for the opportunity! :) -Sam

Trista Siegel said...

I am interested. What kind of posts are you okay with? Like are their specific things you are against for the post?

Katy said...


Since my blog is just about anything and everything, I accept post on all topics. The only submission I would reject would be one containing foul/rude language, sensuality, or any other profane subjects.

Thanks for asking!